Building an effective brand means connecting with your ideal audience in such an authentic way that they become truly loyal fans. The results speak for themselves. All my clients and authors see a 25-70% increase in profits, audience, or reader connections.

For examples and case studies visit my Behance Portfolio Site.

View Portfolio


For authors, I also share this PDF of questions and advice:


What is the branding process?

Beautiful design is all well and good, but logically planning projects can prevent ideas and costs from spiraling out of control. It removes the subjective “do we like blue?” and inserts the objective “What makes us better?”

Where and how your ideal audience connects with you is different for every author and client. Analyzing how they find you, what your competition is like, and what makes you incredibly unique begins with one thing. A conversation. I am very, very curious, so I ask a lot questions first. Questions like:

  • What makes you truly different among your competitors?
  • If you could hand-pick the ideal client or reader, who would they be?
  • If you Google your own name, does your own website appear first?

After you’ve provided answers, I present a comprehensive analysis and recommended brand positioning. From there I build a marketing plan that includes only the materials best suited to support your initiatives. Consequently, the materials we’ll build are strategic and will work the hardest. More importantly, your brand will be more effective and it will be more unique to, well… you.

5-step process to brand building:

Questionnaire – Analysis – Brand Positioning – Marketing Plan – Building materials

Brand materials may include:

Logo – Tagline – Website – Printed Collateral – Social Media Platforms – Newsletter – Ads